I have long loved the whimsical, rhythmic beauty found in the repeating letter forms and flourishes of calligraphy. The sweet elegance catches your eye and captures your heart. Flourish & Whim grew out of this love for letters and passion for art.

While working in magazine production in New York City and San Francisco, I reserved my creating and crafting for nights and weekends. It was in these moments calligraphing an invite, letterpressing a note card, painting a garlic clove, that the oft quoted words of Howard Thurman echoed in my head: "Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that..." I've since made my passion my work and in so doing I've come alive. 

I left my heart with family on the East Coast and currently live in San Francisco—where my heart is quietly taking up a second home. Making homemade pizzas with my husband (every Friday!), baking sweet confections from a new(ly checked out) cookbook, hiking the hills of Point Reyes, and buying yards of Marimekko fabric are among the many delights that pepper my days.

So yes, that's a little about me, hello and welcome!